Sound Therapy

Therapeutic Sound

What is Sound Healing?

Sound Healing is an ancient form of healing that utilises specific sound frequencies to promote peace, healing, and balance in the mind and body

Sound Healing triggers a state of parasympathetic relaxation in the nervous system by drawing the body’s cells into a rhythmic pattern, set by the instruments and Sound Healer. The rhythms and frequencies used are specifically chosen to slow the brain waves and create states of deep relaxation and meditation. In these states, natural, organic healing is able to occur, throughout the body.

You are invited to lie down & let go…

As beings made up of almost 70% water (a wonderful conductor of sound!) we literally resonate, pulse and vibrate when immersed in sound. The body is naturally capable of attuning itself to the frequencies around it; when these frequencies are carefully and compassionately created by a trained Sound Healer, such as myself, the body is able to release into a state of deep relaxation and healing.

Sound-baths are for anyone and everyone interested in finding ways to destress and declutter the mind, to relax and reconnect to oneself and to open to the possibilities of a holistic experience of the body-mind connection.

What Is A Crystal Bowl Soundbath?

A Crystal Bowl Sound Bath harnesses the sounds and vibrations of crystal bowls of all shapes and sizes, to guide you into a peaceful and mindful state of being.

Lying comfortably on the ground, held by blankets, mats and cushions, you are immersed in waves of echoing sounds that encourage you to disconnect from stressful thoughts and feelings. The vibrations wash over you in waves, resulting in a deep sense of wellbeing and calm.

The immersive quality of the sounds created by Crystal Bowls triggers the relaxation response quickly, which offers you the opportunity to access deep meditative states throughout the session. Here you might find the space and facility, within yourself and supported by the sounds, to explore and clear any physical, mental, or emotional knots.

Why I Love Working With Sound…

I experienced my first Sound Bath in 2015 and was completely blown away by the sense of calm and deep relaxation that stayed with me for days after the event. After experiencing the Crystal Singing Bowls in 2016 I fell fast in love with the way they looked, sounded and (most importantly) the way they made me feel. All my bowls have been gifted to me by family and loved ones; filling each Sound Bath I offer with love on so many levels!

We live in a world that prioritises output, but are rarely encouraged to just be, to practise self-enquiry or to fully rest and reset. Sometimes when we dedicate time to feeling our internal states we may come into contact with things that are vulnerable or tender… and that’s okay! Sound Baths offer a safe, soothing space and container in which this work can be done.  In deeply aware states we are better able to meet our thoughts, emotions, and others with a more open and unbiased attitude. Instead of banishing our unwanted experiences we are able to practice offering them a gentle space to be met, heard and understood. This can be an important act of compassion in a society that refuses to let itself feel.

Benefits of Sound Baths

Sound transforms matter; allowing for changes on mental, emotional and physical (cellular) levels

Promotes relaxation and lessens anxiety

Provides pain relief through deep relaxation

Slows down and synchronises breathing and heart rate

Releases blocked energy

Returns us to a state of balance and harmony

We are now able to gather again in-person for  public Sound Baths or book private Sound Baths at your home

Follow me on Facebook or Instagram for upcoming  events or get in touch to book a private session